Welcome to the USA Simulator!
Experience yourself as a politican - earn money, collect taxes and exceed authority! Develop your country, extend the sphere of influence and lead the country to the world domination!
► Use more than 50 unique game activities
► Manage economic processes
► Compete with your friends in the online rankings
Selamat datang di USA Simulator!
Mengalami diri Anda sebagai politikus yang - mendapatkan uang, mengumpulkan pajak dan melampaui otoritas! Mengembangkan negara Anda, memperpanjang lingkup pengaruh dan memimpin negeri ini untuk dominasi dunia!
► Gunakan lebih dari 50 kegiatan permainan yang unik
► Mengelola proses ekonomi
► Bersaing dengan teman di peringkat secara online
Welcome to the USA Simulator!
Experience yourself as a politican - earn money, collect taxes and exceed authority! Develop your country, extend the sphere of influence and lead the country to the world domination!
► Use more than 50 unique game activities
► Manage economic processes
► Compete with your friends in the online rankings